Geometry and Patterns in Istanbul Workshop with Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Majewski
This is a Geometer`s Sketchpad workshop held in place. It will be devoted to geometric patterns in Ottoman mosques, tombs of Ottoman sultans, and their families.

School of Geometrıc Patterns Workshop on Decagonal Patterns from Turkey
The major goal of the workshop is to learn about traditional geometric designs from Turkey. We will explore various patterns from stone carvings from Seljuk Anatolia, and kundekari designs from mosques of Istanbul.

Hexagonal Geometric Patterns Workshop with Miroslaw Majewski
In this workshop, we will explore hexagonal designs from all over the Islamic world. As the name suggests, hexagon patterns are based on regular hexagons and equilateral triangles. This feature makes them a good choice for beginners.

Geometry and Pattern in Istanbul
You are invited to the real time Workshop titled `Geometry and Pattern with Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Majewski, which will be conducted at the Istanbul Design Center, within the scope of the IDC School of Geometric Patterns.

Children`s Book Illustration Workshop with M. Ahmet Demir
The IDC ıs opening its doors for the class, were anyone who is interested in drawing can participate, by starting from scratch, to learn to examine and draw pictures of dozens famous artists, to create pictures from imagination.

Painting Workshop for Children with Cemal Toy
The IDC opens its doors again for the art education that teaches to see beauty and aesthetic values. By studying art in group, children learn to identify themselves and develop their imagination, improving social skills that positively shape their personality. Studying art by drawing also feeds an emotional and conscientious intelligence.

Photography Workshop with Mete Yurdaün
Starting from basics, the course will focus on practice of theoretical education. Different kind of techniques will be applied to teach the theory through practice. To learn to produce better photo-works with creativity and precision. Also, an opportunity to transform a hobby into profession.

Tezhip Workshop with Şeyma Çınar
The IDC is opening its doors to resume the Tezhip Art lessons face-to-face wıth the Tezhıp Master. On the historical journey of Tezhip (Illumination) Art, in order to produce new designs nurtured by its past, we want to be instrumental in providing these studies with the aim to pass the tradition onto the future generations.

Calligraphy Workshop with onur Yıldırımer
We welcome you to our calligraphy workshop, where we will practice the art of beautiful and elegant writing by saving letters and words from monotony and giving them a new form within certain rules.