Geometry and Pattern in Istanbul
Location: Istanbul Design Center, Istanbul Mosques and Tombs of Ottoman Sultans
Dates: Tuesday, 9th November – Saturday, 13th November, 2021
Workshop Leader: Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Majewski
Group Size: about 20 to 25 participants (with larger groups, it may be difficult to walk)
Description: This is a paper, pencil, and compasses, face-to-face workshop hold in place (no online content). It will be devoted to geometric patterns in Ottoman mosques, tombs of Ottoman sultans, and their families.
Each day of the workshop will have two parts:
• Morning part – discussing and drawing patterns at Istanbul Design Center lecture room (10:00 am – 13:00)
• Afternoon part – walking through mosques, collecting photographs for next day drawing session (15:00 – 18:00).
Daily walking schedule:
1. Tuesday (9th November) – Sokullu Mehmet Paşa Camii (Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque), Küçük Ayasofya Cami (Little Hagia Sophia), Sultan Ahmed Mosque (the famous Blue Mosque) and tombs of sultans (near Hagia Sophia)
2. Wednesday (10th November) – Yeni Cami (the New Mosque), the Suleymaniye Mosque, and tombs
3. Thursday (11th November) – Beyazid and Shezade Mosques
4. Friday (12th November) – Fatih, Sultan Selim, and Mihrimah Sultan Mosques
5. Saturday (13th November) – walking through mosques in Üsküdar
What may you need?
You do not need any tools for the morning sessions. Most of the drawing materials will be available at Istanbul Design Center. But you can bring your favorite paper, pencils, rulers, etc.
For afternoon sessions you will need comfortable shoes and something to cover yourself in case of rain. Usually, at this time of the year, the weather in Istanbul is beautiful, but sometimes it changes rapidly. Thus you may need a jumper if things get ugly. One of the goals of this workshop will be to gain some photographic skills. A decent camera will be your main tool for walking sessions. You may also need a convenient notebook and a pen to make your notes and sketches.
Updates & comments: While spending your time in Istanbul, you can hunt for some books on Ottoman architecture.
A wise choice could be two books:
1. Mosques of Istanbul, by Henry Matthews (any edition)
2. Sinan – the architect and his works, by Reha Gunay (any edition).
Any book on Sinan works or/and Ottoman architecture will be a treasure for the people outside of Turkey. Most of these books are not available outside of Turkey, and if they are, their price is much higher.

Miroslaw Majewski
(Prof. Dr) is a former Professor of the New York Institute of Technology. Currently, Professor Emeritus of NYIT. Many years of research in the geometry of art and technology for mathematics. Author of numerous books and publications (many of them related to the geometry of patterns). Designer of many geometric patterns – some are reconstructions of well-known patterns, and some of them are entirely new.